William Hall’s previous website was built on a template from the late 90s, and didn’t epitomise his gorgeous work, or his attention to detail, so it was time to devise something new. He wanted the site to be crisp and clean, focusing on the work itself, with as little unnecessary clutter as possible, but with small details that elevated the user experience. The site is built on a 12 column grid, with a permanent navigation bar on the left to make moving between pages as seamless as possible. William wanted the typography of the site to feel like one of his books, so the office face (Univers) was used. Time is an important aspect of William’s work, and we wanted the site to impose a slower more contemplative experience on users. In line with this, page content only fades in once it has all loaded, and there is a gradual fade in of content as you scroll down each page. Similarly, the menu fade, and image fade ins on scroll were slower than they might usually be expected to be. We took meticulous photographs to convey the materiality of William’s work, and all backgrounds were carefully edited to the same off-white (#f8f8f6) to offset the white of book pages in photos, and provide a consistent experience across the site. For the mobile site I introduced a cross inset at the top of the page, which opened a translucent menu overlay for ease of navigation, supported by a subtle and tactile slow-moving animation.