John Morgan had edited and designed a book called Usylessly. It spoke about Joyce’s Ulysses, as object as well as literature, and charted the different faces the novel has taken through the century of its existence. John comissioned me to develop a website based on his designs, on which the book could be marketed and sold. The site was required to fill two contrasting briefs; on one hand it was intended as an expressive introduction to the themes of the publication, and on the other, it was a website to sell the book on. I used WordPress as the CMS, and Alvaro Trigo’s FullPage.js to provide single page scrolling to mimic the effect of a book, and provide images and quotations with impact through isolation. I optimised image and text display for all monitors, and created a regular scrolling mobile experience, which was more appropriate for smaller screen dimensions. Small interventions like subtle javascript animations, image preloading, unobtrusive payment integrations and changing UI components served to enhance the user experience. Various payment options were tested and Stripe Checkout was eventually used for its ease of integration and simple user interface, and a javascript radio button selector was created to enable users to pick from amongst different options. Various WordPress plugins were used with significant customised alterations, to provide our desired visual outcomes in a reliable, resizeable and replicable fashion.